Writers need time to think and time to be. The most beautiful ideas often start to percolate when alone. And in Scotland, you’ll find the wilderness and the beauty to capture even the most tired imagination. Nan Shepherd wrote about her forays into the wilderness of the Cairngorms and how each walk in the mountains inspired her with a fresh adoration of life itself.
She wrote about the senses, about how the Cairngorms made her feel to the core of her being. She wrote about the Cairngorm mountains and created characters out of them. They became ‘living’ to her, hence the title for her famous ode to nature The Living Mountain.
In Scotland she found the headspace she needed to write and write beautifully. We, at 8d Press, feel the same. Whenever we venture out into nature in Scotland, we become overwhelmed with ideas and storylines and our creative fire erupts volcano-like.
Space and peace and quiet are the fuel for the creative fire and 8d Press wants to nurture that creativity in you by welcoming you, as soon as we are able, to our writers’ retreats in Scotland.
Watch this space and sign up to our list to be kept in the loop about our plans for retreats in the future in Scotland.
From us to you, love 8d Press